It’s really important that there aren’t any loose objects in your car including yourself, other passengers and pets.
Seat Belt and Harnesses
As a driver, your first and most important responsibility is to ensure the safety of yourself and the people travelling in your car. Arguably, seat belts are the greatest single safety innovation the motoring world has seen.
Seatbelts have saved countless lives since becoming compulsory in the 1970s. Love your pet? Then they deserve to ride safely as well. Always make sure that your pet is in a correctly fitted harness or restraint. Animals should not be able to move freely around the vehicle whilst driving.
Loose Objects
In addition to passengers, objects also need to be safely secured whilst the car is in motion. If you need to brake suddenly, or if you’re unfortunately involved in a crash, then you want everything secured so you don’t have things flying around in the cabin.
Plastic roller boxes or organisers are a great way to store loose items and using luggage straps to hold down heavy items is recommended. If possible, it’s best to put any loose items in your boot so they don’t roll around under your seat and potentially under your brake pedal.
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